Friday 22 October 2010

Shooting Script

Scene 1: Rachael and Ben's bedroom. Morning.1. Establishing shot of the house, exterior. Zoom to bedroom window.2. Pan of the bedroom, starting from right moving left.
3. Birds eye view shot of them both in bed4. Shot reverse shot from Rachael and Ben's points of view.5. Pan with Ben as he exits the room.

Scene 2: Hallway and living room. Morning.5. Tilt as Rachael comes down the stairs.
6. Pan with Rachael as she leans around the door to look at Ben.
7. Camera in living room facing Rachael at the door.
8. Over shoulder shot, looking at the texts.9. Pan with Ben as he leaves the room10. Shot of Rachael watching Ben through the window
11. Over Rachael's shoulder, Ben getting in his car.12. Car drives away

Scene 3: Phone conversation. Rachael's kitchen/Leanne's office. Mid-Morning.
13. Medium close up of Rachael stood.
14. Medium close up of Leanne in her office.

Scene 4: "The Bistro". Afternoon15. Pan of Rachael walking into the cafe and sitting down
16. Long shot of both Rachael and Leanne sat at the table.
17. Medium close up of Rachael (over shoulder) S/R/S18. Medium close up of Leanne (over shoulder) S/R/S
19. Close up of Rachael's face.
Scene 5: Car. Late afternoon.20. Medium shot through the passenger window.21. Shot from the rear seats, over the shoulders of Rachael and Leanne at Ben's car.
22. Long shot of Ben and Savannah getting into Ben's car (POV shot)Scene 6: Pub. Early evening.
23. Shot of the puband the cars driving into the car park. Pan.
24. Medium shot through the passenger window of Leanne's car.
25. 'Hidden' camera shot of Savannah, Suzie and Ben in the pub.
Scene 7: Leanne's house. Night.
26. Medium Close up of Rachael and Leanne on settee.
Scene 8: Rachael and Ben's house. Next day.
27. Medium close up-

Black triangle - Different places the actors were at during the scene.
Coloured circles - Different places the camera was at in the scene

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