Friday 22 October 2010

Similar Film Research

Firstly, here is a trailer for a film called Last Night that was released in 2010.
As a trailer, this is obviously a cut down taster of the film, however I have chosen to look at it for inspiration for the title sequence.
Overall, the trailer is quite simple; it doesn't have any CGI effects or any elaborate fonts that draws attention away from the actual shots themselves, which I think we should incorporate into our final product. The non-diegetic music is also very simple, yet it reflects the tone and genre of the film, which is a romantic drama. Music is a very important part of film, as it enhances the viewing experience dramatically: tension can be creating much more effectively if more than just the visual sense is being stimulated. I think that it could possibly be the hardest part of editing our film, because if the music is not right, the mood of the scene may not be portrayed as successfully.
In this film, there are 2 main characters, Joanna Reed and Michael Reed. They are married, but because of a work conference, Michael has to travel away with a work colleague called Laura, whom Joanna is jealous of. This type of jealousy is what we hope to portray in our film. The twist in this film, is that, despite her jealousy, Joanna bumps into an ex who she goes out for dinner with. This film is wrapped in jealousy and hypocracy, that keeps the audience on edge, as the film projects the idea of resisting temptation.

Here is a short film that I found on YouTube.
Although this is a very basic film, I thought the editing was really good. There were 4 shots to this film:
Establishing shot that zoomed into the den.

Medium close up of both characters

Shot Reverse Shot #1
Shot Reverse Shot #2

There is nothing complex about these shots, which has obviously helped the continuity of the editing. The actors themselves, for amateurs, are very good, and it is clearly well rehearsed. These are all things that add up to helping the continuity of the film, and from watching it several times, I cannot fault the editing.
Another thing about this film that I think works well is the lighting. The light is coming from a source behind the characters, but is in front of the camera, which throws shadows on the side of the face closest to the camera. This creates a mysterious look to the shots, and works well, as the girl's "friend", we find out, is actually imaginary.

This is the film trailer for the film Obsessed that was released in 2009. The film stars Beyonce Knowles, and is a drama/thriller.
"A successful asset manager, who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage. But when a temp worker starts stalking him, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy."
This is the caption that I think sums up this film the best (from Internet Movie Database).

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