Friday 22 October 2010

Similar Film Research; Laura

It was really difficult to find a film with a similar plot to ours, that is about a private investigator and a cheating boyfriend, however there are a lot of films about private investigators and detectives with criminals. I think the fact that our film is different to those already existing would mean that were we to distribute and market it, it would probably draw a lot of attention and be popular. The following clip is a short film which I found on the internet. It has a theme of love, which is similar to ours and it also shows a broken relationship, which happens at the end of our film. The film uses a variety of shots, mainly mid-shots and medium close ups however there are a few long shots used to show Diana approaching Brad, at this point there is also an eye-line match, which shows what Brad is taking a photo of (Diana), this links to the end of the film when Diana walks away from him after the argument when he takes another photo. I think this is a clever use of shots as it links the way they met to they way they parted. Alot of the shots used are black and white, this is to represent the fact that they are flashbacks to a diferent point in time. There is a large use of white-out flash editing to represent photos being taken especially in the opening to the film, which links to the running theme of photography, which established the conversation when they met in the first place. The flashbacks are useful as the film starts at the end of the relationship and works backwards, explaining what happened. In the opening, there are a lot of close-ups which work in a similar way to an establishing shot. There is a close up of Diana's hand which gives the impression she is either restless or waiting. Over-the-shoulder shot-reverse-shot is used during the conversation scenes to show facial expression and emotion. This is particularly important in the scene towards the end when the characters argue, as it shows Brad's desperation to come to an agreement but Diana's annoyance and wish to leave. The quick editing during the love scenes make it abit more comfortable for the audience, and also help continue the theme of photographs being taken. Brad, who seems happier to be reunited, and Diana, who appears to feel quite awkward, are both in quite casual clothes, and in the shots where they first meet and where they are reunited they are in similar clothes. This shows that not alot has changed since they split, even though it is implied that it has been 4 years. The costumes make the characters seem alot more causal, and gives the impression that they are maybe students. The music used throughout the film is orchestral and quite moody. It sets a tense atmosphere; and isn't used in the scenes which show the characters are happy. It gives the impression that the couple didn't end on good terms, and also that they are both quite anxious about bumping into each other. The same music is used in the title scene at the end which improves the continuity and helps the film flow. I think the title sequence of the film is really effective, although it comes at the end rather than at the beginning, I like the way the font and the effect used makes it look handwritten, which fits well with the artistic theme of photography that plays a big part of the plot. The titles scene is short and simple, only giving the basic credits needed, in white writing on a black background which ties in with the black and white effect used for the flashbacks throughout.

To see the film, please follow this link:

A more recent film which has a similar sort of film to ours is Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's The Tourist (2o1o) starring Johnny Depp and Angeline Jolie. The plot of the film incorporates deception and detective skills. This is similar to our film however The Tourist is much more dramatic and serious, as it includes the police, not just a private investigator. However I thought that it would be unsuitable to analyse The Tourist as a similar film to hours as it is a full length film which has been fully distributed. Nostalgia is much more similar to ours. The trailer for The Tourist can be seen at the following link:

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