Friday 22 October 2010

Similar Film Research; Rhiannon

Because i thought it would be hard to find a film that has a similar story line to the one we had chosen i decided to research short 5 minute films instead. This film has a basic plot however from the editing and filming of it, it still manages to create lots of mystery and suspense. At the start and end of the film, there is a shot of a ticking clock. At the beginig there is a medium close up of the clock in colour that lasts aproximatley 11 seconds, i like this shot because it creates lots of suspense as to what must be happening while the clock is ticking and usually a ticking clock means counting down the time and it creates mystery as to what is running out of time. However in contrast at the end, there is a close up of a clock but in black and white this time. i like the fact the film film starts and ends with a similar shot of the clock because then you can tell theres a definate beging and an end. The film then cuts to a shot of Rena sat on the bed and Emit rushing in. The diegetic sound thats should be there has been muffled to create confusion amongst the audience and subtitles are used to understand what is being said. There is non deigetic music over the top that fits perfectly with the mood of the film and contributes to much of the tension created. In this first scene aswell, there is emphasis on a wooden box thats on the table and all the other action in the shot is blured so all the attention is focused on the box. There is a brilliant close up shot of the box where the other action in the shot is blurred and it draws the audiences attention to the box rather than anything else in the shot and leaves confusion amongst us as to why the box is so important.

There is a sequence of medium close up shot reverse shots between the three people in the scene at the time.

I like this sequence of shot reverse shots because Emit and Rena are always in the same shot showing to the audience that they are together, then switches to a medium close up of all 3 people then a medium close up of the other man. I really like the shot of the other man because you can still see Emit and Rena in the mirror ans can still see their reactions to what is being said.
After this scene there its lots of very fast editing if Emit running backwards everywhere. The music gets alot faster to create tension and the shots are switched from long shots, medium shots, and medium close up shots. This creates so much suspense because of the way the scene is edited. It makes the audience feel like they are in Emits mind and gives an insight into how Emit must be feeling however the is still confusion because nobody knows why Emit is like he is.

Throught the film the box is always the main focus:

Rena with the box

Emit running away with the box

Final shot of Emit holding the box

At the end of the film, the filter changes to black and white and the music quietens down and gets slower which is a contrast to the scene before with the fast editing and music.

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