Thursday 13 January 2011

Audience Profile

Our film is about a love investigation film. It runs mainly on the theme of love and paranoia. I think the main audience of our film would be 12-19 year old, and predominantly female. I think they will be particularly interested in ‘chick-flick’ films, or investigation films. It is not exclusive of any particular ethnicity or belief as there is no offensive content in our film at all. I think the complexity of the plot will require a certain level of understanding, but nothing too confusing for 12 year olds. I think that in order to properly appreciate the story behind our film it is important to grasp the ambiguity of what happens. A lot of Ben’s actions make it look like he is cheating on Rachel, however dramatic irony helps the audience understand that it is actually a misunderstanding, on Rachel’s part.
The certificate of our film will be 12, which means that it is unsuitable for people below that age. Quite often, film certificates are ignored by parents, and youngsters which obviously leads to material being shown to people that it isn’t suitable or intended for. I think that for this reason it is important to consider the relevance of things such as bad language, and in turn only use it where contextually justified. Not only does the certificate given to a film limit the content of it, but also the films which can show the film trailer. If our film was to be advertised, or shown before a full length film, it could only be shown with films of the same rating or higher. The certificate of our film doesn’t really limit the age range of our audience, and therefore would still be shown to a wide range of people.

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