Monday 4 April 2011

Genre Research

Genre The Genre of our film could be various different things, depending which theme is focused on. I would say that were it to be distributed and shown to a wider audience it would be advertised as either a romance or drama film. The theme of the story was initally going to be focused more finely on the private investigators involvement in finding out what is going on behind the relationship, however as the planning has been carried out, and the film has developed I would say it is now more about the relationship.

Generic Conventions The generic conventions of a romance film are fairly simple. The narative generally runs along the lines of the couple meeting and falling in love, and then having an argument and breaking up. Our film fits this convention, however as our project was only to create a 5 minute film we decided to show the pre-existance of the relationship through the couple waking up in bed - this also fits the convention of the setting having atleast one romantic location. Our film also fits the plot conventions of a drama, as it has peaks and dips in the tension to keep the audience interested.The fact that the characters are easy to relate to is also important in dramatic romance films as it maintains the audience's involvement, and helps with things such as dramatic irony and tension etc. One way in which our film differs from the structure of a generic drama film is that it doesn't have a happy ending, nothing is set back to how it used to be as Rachel flips at her misunderstanding with Ben. Furthermore, common shots used in romance films are close ups of the main character's faces to emphasise facial expression and help the audience understand the plot. Music in romance films tends to be low key and orchestral when everything is in order, and then dramatic when the main feud or argument happens, and things become more tense. This helps portray the overall mood to the audience and reinforces the feeling among the characters to create empathy.

Relevance to Current Market The target audience of our film is 12-19. After looking at films which are currently showing at the cinemas, I would say that our romance film would fit well within the market where we to widely produce and distribute it. There are regularly new chick-flick romances, and romantic comedies which our short film could be shown before. It would suit a large audience and could be shown before a wide range of films, not just other romances, therefore showing versatility and flexibility to fit within current trends and favours within the public.

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