Monday 4 April 2011

Similar Film Poster Research - Laura

I like the design of this poster. I think the main image of the poster is really really striking and sets the scene for the film. The positioning of the characters within the image looks simple but is relevant to the story. Elise appears to be looking over her shoulder, which represents her paranoia as she is on the run from the police and that she is concious of the fact that they wouldnt hesitate to harm her. She also appears to be much more glamorous than Frank, who doesn't seem to find self-image and appearance as important as Elise does. The image also shows the wealth of Elise. I think the banner across the bottom of the poster is really effective and gives an impression of the setting of the film. All the relevant information is shown, however there is much more for this film as there would be for ours as it isn't a mainstream film with as many production staff etc. The text on the poster is minimal, which means that the poster is simple enough to make an instant impact, without needing prolonged attention, and doesnt require people to stand looking at it. It gets the most important information across quicky and easily and will therefore be more memorable and in turn result in more people seeing the film. At the top of the poster, the designer has used alliteration and repetition to come up with a catchy, clever rhyming couplet which summarises the film, and will make the audience intruiged to find out what happens, as a perfect trip and a perfect trap are two rather contrasting ideas. - I found this website, which gives generalisations of what film posters from the same genre as our film normally look like. I think it would be useful to use this when coming up with individual ideas and the final design for our poster as it means that is more likely to look professional and realistic. It says that the posters usually include the main characters, some link to the films story line or plot, a shot of some of the scenery to give an idea of where the film is set, the film name, release dates and the directors other work. The Tourist poster distinctly fits all these guidelines, so I would say they are reliable enough to use for my own ideas.

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